Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply?
High school students and high school graduates who haven't enrolled yet in college.
What are the key dates?
Submissions open on September 1st. Students have time till December 15th end of day to apply.
Will the essay be checked for plagiarism?
We take plagiarism very seriously. All essays will be analyzed using software. Any form of plagiarism will result in an immediate disqualification.
Will I receive confirmation that I successfully submitted my essay?
You should receive a confirmation email (please check your spam folder). If you don't receive an email within 24 hours, please email us.
Can I submit more than one essay?
No. We will accept only your first submission.
Can I participate as a team?
Yes, you can submit your essay as a team of up to 3 people.
What region can I apply from?
There are no geographic limitations.
How can I pre-register?
Please follow the registration form on our main page.
Will I receive feedback of my essay?
Due to a high volume of applications we are unable to provide individual feedback. Each essay will be evaluated by several people to ensure objectivity and fairness.
What if I am having troubles with the payments portal?
Please trying using all available payment options such as credit cards and PayPal. If you continue to have difficulties, please reach out to us.
Do titles, sub-headings or references count towards the word limit?
They do not.
What documents do I need to submit?
You will need to submit your essay in a Word or PDF format.
What is the competition format?
Essay between 500 to 1,000 words on one of three topics.
When does the application close?
Submissions close on December 15th, 2023 (midnight GMT -10).
What is the cost of submitting an essay?
$20 for individual submission and $40 for group submission. This processing fee will help us cover the cost of organizing the competition.
Can I request the deadline extension?
We cannot accommodate any deadline extensions. We highly recommend that you submit your essay at least a week before the deadline.
Will webinars be recorded?
They will not be recorded.
When will I be notified about the results?
We will announce winners in January and publish winning essays in February.